Expandable Computer News (ECN) is published bi-monthly
by Sage Enterprises. Subscription rates are $12.00 per year (6 issues)
U.S. and Canada; $18.00 foreign. All subscriptions payable to Sage
Enterprises in U.S. funds only. Send all correspondence (subscriptions,
ads, reviews, orders, articles and products) to: Sage Enterprises,
Expandable Computer News, Rt. 2, Box 211, Scrivner Rd., Russellville, MO
65074. Telephone 314/782-3448 from 9 am to 4p m CT Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday.
Staff: Editor - Darrell R. Sage, Associate - Shirley I. Sage, Assistants -
Carol Quinn & Deborah Clay, Cover by Ted Gocal
NOTE: The views expressed by contributors to ECN are not necessarily those
of the publisher. ECN and Sage Enterprises are not in any way affiliated
with Coleco Industries, Inc. We welcome contributions of original
articles, programs, reviews, comments, questions, etc. We are unable to
pay for such contributions at this time. Please include a signed statement
giving us authorization to use your contribution. We would like to thank
all of our subscribers for their assistance–without them this publication
would not be possible. Coleco, SmartBASIC, and other Coleco products are
registered trademarks of Coleco Industries, Inc.; other trademarks apply
to titles of products and are held by those companies referenced.
Sage Enterprises has available for sale a number of products for the ADAM
Family Computer System as listed below. To order any of these products
send check or money order payable to Sage Enterprises in U.S. Funds to the
address listed above. Missouri residents please add sales tax. All prices
include shipping and handling.
Data Pack (Loranger)
PACKCOPY software copier
CONVERT CP/M Disk Transfer Program
Program Library I, II, III (price each)
Program Library 4 (ddp)
Program Library 4 (disk) |
Foreign Price
$8.00 US
$7.00 US |
U.S. & Canadian Price
$5.52 US
$9.95 US
$7.00 US
$5.00 US |
Ramblings From The Ridge
by D. Sage
I am hot and tired. This has been a very hot
June for Missouri. When the overnight low starts out at 80 you know it
isn't going to get any better. This has also been one of my busiest
Junes ever. Between a full-time consulting job, ADAM and Amstrad, I
have been forced to build my own garage. I had a contractor, but he was
behind schedule and my building permit was on the verge of expiring.
That left me with little choice but to begin building a 24 x 60 garage
with little prior experience on free standing structures. Well, it's
not done yet, but it is getting there. The building inspectors were out
last week and did not say anything about it not being finished, so I
guess we're okay. Because of all of this ECN is running a little late
again. I hope that you will bear with us, but it looks like deadlines
will only be a general guide. ECN will get published, but you may not
get an issue until well into the month that it would normally be due.
We will try to get it out as quickly as possible, but there is only so
much time.
This brings me to another subject. I try very
hard to answer all of the mail I receive from you as quickly as
possible. Letters containing a self-addressed stamped envelope are
always answered first. Letters with general questions, I try to cover
in the newsletter, the rest gets answered when I can get to it.
Sometimes all I can do is scribble a quick note (those of you who have
received one, probably understand what I mean by scribble). If you
really need an answer you must enclose a SASE or I cannot guarantee
that I will be able to get back to you soon.
We also make every effort to fill orders
promptly, but this is not always within our control. Recently
while working on orders and renewals, I encountered a disk drive
failure on my Zenith. This problem resulted in the destruction of
active data files and a loss of a great deal of time, which I happen to
have so much of. The files were easily restored using backups, but the
most recent backups also turned out to be damaged. This required
reentering previous information that should have been okay. In any
event, most orders are filled within a week of their receipt and few
take longer than two weeks. If your order was accompanied by questions,
your answer will probably come separately. Also, different parts of
your order may be shipped separately.
Earlier I mentioned Amstrad. We are currently
in the process of organizing the North American Amstrad User Support
Group (NAAUSG). This organization will be somewhat different from
ECN, but in some ways will be similar. We will be selling the new
Amstrad WPC 8256 and carrying supplies and software for it and the CPC
6128. Members of NAAUSG will be entitled to discounts where
possible. I have included some comments on the WPC 8256 in this
issue and you should recognize that while I have tried to be impartial
in discussing the product, it should not be considered to be an
unbiased review. I am also including information on NAAUSG and our
products and services. This does not imply in any way that we will be
dumping the ADAM. The ADAM is still a good system and as long as you
support us, we will continue to publish ECN and support ADAM owners.
This brings me to some comments on some of the
purported support for the ADAM. I have received some inquiries about
products that have been alleged to be in existence for the ADAM. These
include an Apple emulator and a Commodore emulator. Some products are
available for the ADAM. These include an 80 column card, a variety of
printer interfaces, and memory expanders. The Apple and Commodore
emulators, however, would require the manufacturer to obtain a license
from those companies or to spend a lot of time and money developing
operating systems that don't violate these companies' copyrights yet
still allow software to work properly. If these emulators exist at all
they are probably the result of work by some hardware hackers, who have
not bothered to get the rights to the operating systems. It is unlikely
that these products would be of production quality and are unlikely to
ever be available in any volume at a reasonable price. If I am wrong, I
will be more than happy to review one of these products and to print
full details on how they may be obtained. As far as I am concerned, if
you want to run Commodore programs, then buy a Commodore, it's
probably going to be a cheaper and more reliable solution. If you want
to run Apple programs, buy one of the less expensive Apple clones.
ADAM doesn't need emulators to be a good
system. Many people use its word processor regularly and many others
have found it to be a functional system with current software and its
CP/M capabilities. If the ADAM doesn't meet your needs, then you
are probably going to have to move up to another system. The advantages
of expanding ADAM should be weighed carefully to determine if the end
result will do what you want. We will not unrealistically sit here and
wave the ADAM forever flag. As we have said before the ADAM has its
shortcomings as well as its good points. With the decline in software
sales that has recovered only slightly, there undoubtedly will be a
decline in new products. If you want flight simulator or other
sophisticated graphics software that is not available for the ADAM,
then you are not likely to get it, no matter how long you wait. No one
is going to produce more software if their last product sold less than
50 copies.
I have been advised by Alpha-1 that they now
have disk drives available.
Someone inquired about the availability of
Power Print 2. I am assuming they were referring to MultiWrite which is
now available. We were supposed to be supplied with a review copy but
have not received one.
Eve's 80 Column Card is now available. I have
not seen one and do not have any plans to obtain one. If anyone has one
of these, how about reviewing it.
A British company has indicated that they will
be releasing two Colecovision cartridges in the U.S. These are Skiing
and Amazing Bumpman. They also will be making available Soccer and a
number of previously released games. The company's U.S. address is
Telegames USA, Box 901, Lancaster, TX 75146.
Keith Burrows has informed me that the second
edition of the ADAM RESOURCE has been delayed, but will be available
Many of our regular columns continue in this
issue along with a few reviews. In addition Jim Guenzel has submitted
some Basic programs which he has asked us to share. We hope that you
will enjoy them.
Our supply of back issues remains #1, 2, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14. These are still three dollars each.
Remember we only send out renewal notices once
and that is after you have received your last issue. The number on the
top right of your mailing label indicates the last issue of your
subscription. We hope you will stick around with us, but if you don't,
thanks for your past support. Return to Top
by D. Sage
Well another Consumer Electronics Show has come
and passed. It used to be that the press couldn't wait for this event.
Everyone wanted to run stories on the latest developments in the home
electronic game and computer market. Now, the show hardly gets a
mention. If it does the subject is generally the latest in audio or
video technology. Computers and electronic games are generally ignored.
After all, the home computer industry is dead so why bother to beat a
dead horse.
Unfortunately, some of the companies involved
in the home computer market appear to be doing what they can to finish
themselves off. Commodore appears to be little more than a ship adrift
at sea. They can't seem to figure out where to go. This spring
they announced that their PC compatibles would be available for
U.S. distribution and would be shown at CES. Later they decided that
only one model of the PC compatible would be shown. Just before CES
they decided not to show any PC compatibles, but instead brought out
the Commodore 64C. Another earthshaking development from Commodore.
Commodore also seemed to have some difficulty deciding whether or not
to show at CES at all. Originally they had obtained CES space. Later
they decided to show their wares away from CES at another site. At the
last minute, they reclaimed their CES space.
What is the 64C? Well its a more expensive
Commodore 64 with bundled software. It's priced around what the 128 is
selling for. Now isn't that exciting.
In the meantime, some analysts have indicated
that they feel Commodore would like to drop the Amiga, but can't. The
reason is that their lenders feel that the Amiga is the company's only
long term hope for solvency. Commodore dropped the price of the Amiga
by $500 and it began selling more briskly. Sales were so good they
raised the price back up and sales declined. Can't follow this logic.
Who can?
In spite of the negative attitude held by many
concerning the home computer market, recent market surveys indicate
that a market does exist and that the price break is somewhere under
$800 for a complete system. A complete system is the computer, at
least one disk drive, a monitor, and a printer. As the price of such a
system declines towards $600, the demand goes up. When ADAM came out it
was selling for $599 and a color monitor could be purchased for as low
as $250.
Following this logic, Amstrad has introduced
their WPC8256 and 8512 systems that come with the computer, monochrome
monitor, one disk drive and a letter-quality dot matrix printer, all
with a suggested retail price of $799 (see later in this issue for more
info). They are obviously paying attention to the research on the home
Meanwhile, Nintendo is moving towards
nationwide distribution of their game system. Based on early success in
the east, the product is now available essentially nationwide.
The Intellivision system's rejuvenation has
also been somewhat successful and they are planning the introduction of
some new games. Atari has finally begun selling their 7800. It is
reported to be available at Toys R Us for $79 and includes Pole
Position II. Cartridges are priced at $9.97 each.
Remember if you here of any interesting news,
pass it on and we will share it with everyone. Return
to Top
Beginning Basic
by D. Sage
In the last issue I covered the Basic commands:
PR#1, PR#0, CATALOG, LIST, RUN and LOAD. These commands allowed you to
load and run programs and list the catalog and program contents and
print them.
This time we will cover writing a short Basic
program. You will learn a little about the structure Basic needs and
some of the other commands that are available.
SmartBasic requires that you start each line
with a number. The numbers are important because they determine the
order of execution of the statements. The numbers also allow you to
make corrections and changes in your program. After the line number you
should leave a space before any commands or statements. Let's use the
REM statement. This is a non-executing statement that allows you to
include notes in your program. When Basic encounters a REM statement it
does nothing but go on to the next statement. Let's try it. Load
SmartBasic and type in the following line on your ADAM:
10 REM This does nothing!!
Make sure the line is typed
correctly. There should be a space after the number ten and a space
after REM and a carriage return (RETURN) at the end of the line. Now
type RUN and see what happens. Well nothing happened. Now type LIST and
you will see your line #10 on the screen.
Let's add another line to the program to see if
we can make ADAM do something. It's a good idea to use line numbers in
multiples of 5 or 10 so that if you want to add something later it will
be easier. Now type in the following:
Make sure you leave a space after the
20 and after PRINT. It doesn't matter how many spaces are after the
first quotation mark. If the line looks okay then type in RUN. Your
message was printed on the screen just as it appeared between the
quotation marks. If you wanted to print this message on your printer,
you would have to use the PR#1 command you learned last time. Let's do
that and we will also demonstrate how the line numbering will help to
put the PR#1 in the right place. First type LIST and lines 10 and 20
will be listed on the screen. Now type in the following two lines:
Now type LIST again and you will see
that PR#1 is after line 10 and before line 20. You need the PR#0 to
turn your printer off after you print the message, so it's a good
practice to include it unless you want to keep the printer on. Now type
RUN. The message "IT WORKS" was printed on the screen and on your
printer. By using the PRINT statement you can print anything you want
as long as you enclose it in quotation marks.
One good practice to learn is to always end
your programs with an END statement. Add the following line to the
This statement simply stops program
execution. With some programs the effect will not be apparent, but with
others its use will become more important. Try experimenting with these
statements and those that you learned last time. Next time we will
introduce you to more Basic statements that will allow you to do even
more. Return to Top
by Joe Blenkle
In this month's column I thought I'd take the
opportunity to review some of the telecommunications software
available for Adam. While the list isn't exactly growing by leaps and
bounds, there are still several worthwhile packages out there.
To date, the best telecommunications software
comes in the CP/M format, I have had experience using four of these:
ASCOM, MADAM 7 (modem 7), MEX and MITE.
I would have to rate MADAM 7 and MEX the best
for all around use. They both have very similar command structures,
both allow the use of a phone
directory and both allow XMODEM transfers as well as text and ASCII
Both MADAM 7 and MEX have been configured for
use with ADAM's internal modem. In my opinion, MADAM 7 is the easier of
the two to use. The ADAM version of MEX, ADAMex, has a few quirks in it
that make it a little less desirable, but it has some advantages in its
ADAM configuration that make up for this -- full use of ADAM's
SmartKeys to make its many functions and changeable parameters easier
to manage. It's only annoying quirk is that it locks up if you fail to
hang up via a ESCAPE-N before the other computer hangs up on you.
The only other disadvantage with these programs
is their 80-column display format. If used with a screen chop program
(the fully configured MEX program has one built in), this becomes
manageable. If not, it can be very frustrating trying to read text
scrolling all over the place.
ADAM's own ADAMLink I & II are, of course,
configured for use with ADAM. For anyone still stuck with ADAMLink I,
as you well know, it's not possible to do anything other than call up
BBS' and read messages. ADAMLink II, however, features an ASCII
up/download feature so you can at least send and receive some files. It
can't handle binary files though (this is where XMODEM transfers come
I have heard very strong rumors that an
ADAMLink III exists somewhere out in the ADAM never-never land. It is
said to feature a phone directory and the ability to do XMODEM type
transfers. Whether this will ever actually surface, I don't know, but
it's entirely possible considering the amount of other software that
has found its way out of Coleco.
ASCOM and MITE come last on my list of choices
for ADAM telecommunication software. Despite being jam packed full of
special features, their very nature makes them difficult to use. My
ASCOM manual looks more like a small telephone book. I have not yet
even begun to explore all the features of it.
Both MITE and ASCOM are CP/M programs. Again,
the same old problem of 80-column programs on a 30-column screen comes
into play here. Both are very expensive as well and for the general
user they offer no advantage over either MADAM 7 or MEX which are
public domain and a lot easier to use.
On a different side of the telecommunications
front, several BBS programs are beginning to surface. Alan Neeley who
created a fine BASIC BBS has done some more work on it and now has more
message and password space. It's also possible to build an auto-answer
device for his BBS which truly makes it a functional program. He's
still expecting to add more features to it in coming months and
has promised to keep me up to date on his progress.
I've also heard of several other BBS programs
that have been or are being developed in both BASIC and CP/M formats.
Hopefully I will be able to obtain copies of these for review in the
For anyone interested in obtaining a copy of
MEX or BBS Version 1.3, I have them on disk for $5 each (DDP $10 or
$7.50 each for both). I also have a variety of other programs available
II, LOGO PROGRAMS and CP/M PROGRAMS. All are available on disk or DDP
for the above stated price. I'm always adding new things so send for a
list to: Joe Blenkle, P. 0. Box 41746, Sacramento, CA 955841.
If anyone is developing any kind of
telecommunications programs, I would appreciate receiving copies
for review. Please send them to the address above.
NOTE: It has come to my attention
recently that several ADAMites have tried to reach me by phone. I
appreciate the interest in my column, but the J. Blenkle listed in the
Sacramento phone book and by directory assistance is not me! If you
have any questions or comments, please write. I will be more than happy
to answer your letters. Return to Top
Using SmartLogo
by Mike Degner
In the last issue we learned how to draw a
square with variable side lengths. At the end of the article, I asked
you to try experimenting with a procedure that has two inputs and would
draw any shape and any size. Well if you haven't succeeded yet here it
TO POLY :SIZE :SIDES PD (pendown) HT (hide turtle, not necessary) REPEAT :SIDES [FD :SIZE RT 360/ :SIDES] (draws the shape) END
procedure will draw a :SIDES sided polygon with each side :SIZE in
length. You can use this procedure to draw neat spirals and lower
designs. To do this you can use another procedure or just type in a
line like the following.
REPEAT 72 [POLY 40 6 RT 5]
(the number of times to repeat
can be found by dividing 360 by the number after the RT)
If you used this in a procedure you could
repeatedly draw different designs in different locations by changing
the location of the turtle, and the numbers after POLY. To make the
procedure more exciting you can add some more variables that can set
the pencolor, turtle number, or whether to fill the shape or not.
Before proceeding, try designing this by yourself. If you don't succeed
you can copy the following procedure taking note of the comments in
parenthesis. Do not copy anything in parenthesis.
TO SHAPE 2 :SIZE :SIDES :C :T :F (:C will be
used to set the pencolor, :T will be used to set the turtle number, and
:F will be used to see if shape should be filled)
TELL :T (tell turtle number :T to do the following commands)
PD SETPC :C (sets the pencolor of the current turtle to :C) HT REPEAT :SIDES [FD :SIZE RT 360/ :SIDES] IF :F=1 [PU SETH 45 FD 2 PD FILL] (if :F=1 then the turtle will move away from the shape and towards the center and fill it in) END
You can
use this procedure to draw a shape any color, solid or hollow. This
procedure sometimes might not fill in the polygon or fill in the area
around it. This is caused by the location of the turtle in respect to
the shape, if the turtle is on the line it won't fill it in, if the
turtle is outside the shape it won't fill the shape in, and if there is
a line going through the shape it will stop at that line. You can fix
this problem by changing the numbers after the IF :F=1. You can also
use this procedure in another procedure, which will call it over and
over again to draw a picture. When you draw shapes with these two
procedures you should keep in mind that the turtle turns by degrees so
there are a total of 360 degrees to any unbroken shape. So the total of
all of your turns should equal 360 and if you draw spirals they should
also total 360. If you draw a circle you do not have to make a 360
sided shape you can experiment with smaller numbers of sides and
the length of sides to get the best circle. The fewer sides the circle
has the faster it will be drawn, an example of this is a 40 sided shape
with sides of length 4.
In the next issue, I will supply you with some
very powerful graphic procedures that draw very interesting designs.
Before I go, I will leave you with two of them to play with.
To stop
either of these two, you must press the escape key. To use the polyspi
procedure the best inputs are a small first number and an angle that is
a couple degrees short of a standard shape like a 88 for a square, or
118 for a triangle. To draw regular spirals with it, use 90 for a
square, and 120 for a triangle. That is all for now, if you have any
questions, comments, or a neat procedure you want to exchange, send a
SASE to Mike Degner, Rt. 2 Box 293, Shell Lake, WI., 54871. Return to Top
ADAM System Calls
by D. Sage
This is the fifth in a series of articles
covering ADAM's system calls.
CALL FCA8$ (64680) - Start-up a keyboard
byte read.
CALL FCAB$ (64683) - Start up a write
for a block device. Register A=device ID (low nibble is device address,
high nibble is secondary device ID). HL register contains the source
address in RAM of the data to transfer. BC and DE registers contain the
sector number on the device. The error code if any is returned in the A
CALL FCAE$ (64686) - Start up a write
for a byte (character) device. Register A = device ID, BC = number of
bytes to write, HL = source of data, return error code in A.
CALL FCB1$ (64689) - Init bump. Start of
a larger I/O routine. Carries out synchronization.
CALL FCB4$ (64692) - writes one block to
a block driver. Register A = device id, HL = source address in RAM,
BCDE = sector number on device, return error code in A.
CALL FCB7$ (64695) - Write byte
(character) device. Register A = device ID, BC = number of bytes, HL =
source of data, return error in A.
CALL FCBA$ (64698) - File Manager Init.
Register DE = address of FCB buffers, HL address to place FCB headers.
CALL FCBD$ (64701) - Initialize tape
directory. Register A = device ID, C = number of sectors in directory,
DE = number of sectors in Device, HL = pointer to ASCII ETX terminated
string (volume ID of 12 characters), return error in A.
CALL FCCO$ (64704) - Open file. Register
A = device ID, HL = address of file name string, B = mode (sub-type),
error returned in A.
CALL FCC3$ (64707) - Close a file.
Register A = file number (1 or 2), return error in A.
Return to Top
CP/M And You - Part 3
by John Moore
We've learned the parts of CP/M and how they
relate to each other. The Console Command Processor (CCP) accepts input
from the console. First, CCP checks the input against its list of
built-in commands. If the command is NOT DIR, ERA, REN, USER,
SAVE, or TYPE, CCP checks the directory of your disk to see if you are
calling for a .COM file.
Let's say you type EXAMPLE(ret). CCP sees that
you do not want a built-in function, so it looks to your disc for a
program called EXAMPLE.COM. If it is found, CCP performs what is
probably its most important function: it loads the file EXAMPLE.COM
into memory starting at 100H. As soon as the file is completely loaded,
CCP goes to memory location 100 and executes the instruction there.
This starts the program EXAMPLE.COM running!
Let's try an experiment to demonstrate. First,
we need to create a file with nothing in it. This is a "zero-length"
file. We do this with the command SAVE 0 TEST.COM (ret). ADAM'S drive
whirs, and the file is created.
Now, run any program. I will use DIRA.COM, so I
type DIRA(ret). Since this is not a built-in function, CCP finds
DIRA.COM in the directory, loads it into memory, and then executes the
first instruction at 100H.
When the program terminates, type TEST(RET).
Just as before, CCP finds TEST.COM and loads it, but what happens on
your computer? The last program you ran RE-STARTS! Now how could that
Here's how. When CCP finds and loads TEST.COM,
there is nothing in the file. Since there is nothing there, the file
does not change anything in memory! Then when CCP goes to location 100
to execute the first instruction of the "new" program TEST.COM, what it
really does is execute the first instruction of the last program that
was in memory.
Incidentally, this is the origin of what's
often called the "Zero-file Trick". Put a zero-length file called
CONTINUE.COM or CONT.COM on your program disc. Then, if you want to
re-run a program that is in memory, just type CONTINUE(ret) or
CONT(ret). The advantage is the CP/M does not have to re-load the
(possible lengthy) program in memory. All it has to do is load a file
of zero-length. That's generally much faster.
Since we have program in memory and our handy
TEST.COM, we can demonstrate another part of CP/M. Type DIR(ret). You
got a directory, right? Now, type TEST (ret). Notice that again you
have re-started the original program. Built-in functions are a
part of CCP. They do not affect a program in the TPA (Transient Program
We have also used the SAVE command in today's
work. I would like to point out another use of SAVE that can be
valuable - especially to those with single-drive systems. When a
program is in memory, SAVE will write it to disc (or tape). The only
trick is to know how many pages of memory to save.
There are 256 bytes in a page. So if you know
the length of the program in K, multiply by 4 (A 4K file has 16 max
pages). Another way is to use DDT. This program also loads your program
into memory for copying purposes.
When DDT loads, it will print 4 digits under
the word "NEXT". Write those down. Since they are hex, we must convert.
Do this, multiply the left digit by 16 and add the next digit to that.
If you aren't familiar with hex, remember A=10, B=ll, C=12,D=13,E=14,
and F=15.
Now look at the last two digits in the original
number. If either of them is other than zero, the total you just
calculated is the number of pages to save. If both are zero, subtract
1 from the number you calculated.
Now you have the number of pages, so you type
GO(ret). This takes you out of DDT, but leaves the program in memory.
If you calculated the number to be, say 15, you would command SAVE 15
MYPR0G.TYP (pick your own name). Remember, SAVE is a built-in function,
so it doesn't disturb the program in memory.
Now, if you want to make multiple copies, put
in another disk, warmboot with Control-C and use the SAVE command
again! You can make as many copies as you want this way, but remember
to hit Control-C each time you put in a new disk. Return
to Top
CP/M And
You - Part 4
by John Moore
One of the reasons that CP/M remains a mystery
to so many computer users is they lack a correct understanding of what
CP/M is and just what it does! We have already established that CP/M is
an "Operating System" - a system that actually manages the operation of
the computer's resources for you.
The ONLY functions CP/M will perform for you
directly are DIR (get a directory listing), ERA (delete a file), REN
(change the name of a file), USER (switch USER area), and TYPE (list a
file's content). The Control-P key permits you to switch screen output
to the printer (known to CP/M as the LST: device).
The only other function CP/M will perform for
you is to load and then run a program file. All the other "functions"
of CP/M are really RUNABLE PROGRAMS! Here's where the confusion comes
in. The great advantage of CP/M is its portability among differing
computer systems. This has lead to a great number of programmers
creating a great number of programs - many of which are free for the
Do you see the disadvantage yet? All those
different programmers are creating programs, but each one has his or
her own idea of what works best. So if you COPY a file, you will copy
from oldfile to newfile, but if you PIP it, you always PIP from newfile
to oldfile! Things like this are hard to remember, and it is always
frustrating to be told that newfile doesn't exist when you're trying to
CREATE it, but got the command backwards! Fortunately, these errors are
seldom fatal.
This time, let's look at the ubiquitous
PIP.COM. PIP, the Peripheral Interchange Program, has been around
almost as long as CP/M. Most people refer to PIP as a "file copy
utility." It is, but it's a whole lot more.
As an example, PIP's normal command is PIP
drive:newfile.typ=Drive:01dfile.typ, but did you know that PIP does not
have to use a file for a destination. If you command PIP
CON:=filename.-typ, that file will be listed on the console. If you
type PIP LST:=filename.typ, PIP will print the file on ADAM's printer!
Turn it around, if you type PIP
filename.typ=CON:, everything you type on the console will be placed
directly in a file on disk or tape. I don't suggest you use this to
create text files, though, since there's no editor built-in, there's no
easy way to correct errors. If you wish to try it, be my guest. A
Control-Z will get you out of PIP.
There are some functions of PIP you may not
have thought of. You don't need SmartWriter to create an electric
typewriter, either! Just type PIP LST:=CON:. That command tells PIP to
take all console output and print it on ADAM's printer. Use a Control-Z
to exit!
But what else can PIP do? Plenty! Suppose you
are editing a newsletter and have a bunch of small files that you wish
to splice together to make one long file. If you type something like
PIP longfile.typ=shortfile3.typ, (etc.), PIP will join the files
together for you.
We still haven't scratched the surface of what
this one utility can do for you. After the basic command PIP
newfile.typ=oldfile.typ, you can enclose a set of OPTIONS in square
brackets ([ ]). These options will let you switch on verification to
make sure the copied file is correct.
In addition, you can transfer HEX files, ASCII
files, or binary (.COM) files with appropriate options. PIP will
transfer files and add line numbers automatically to the output file.
It will include automatic form feeds (page ejects) if desired. It will
translate all lower-case letters to UPPERcase if you wish. It will even
search a file for a string you specify and start or stop a copy
operation whenever it finds the string. This allows you to use PIP to
copy the "middle" out of a longer file.
The Coleco manual is quite thorough on the
options available to you with PIP. You will find them on Pages C28 and
C29. Get to know this "copy utility" a little better. At one time it
was one of the few program utilities around! That's why it packs such a
punch! Return to Top
Bugs, Errata, Etc.
In our last issue, I listed the
address for John Bonavita in the Bulletin Board. His address should
have been: P.O. Box 320, St. Bonaventure, NY 14778.
Roger Fraser wants to know if
anybody knows
how to load a second program into a program while it is running and not
lose the first program. This would be helpful for loading subroutines
into a main program.
Philip Cassady indicates that he
has had
various problems with data packs, including the inability to read
files. He found that by cleaning the tapes, the problem usually went
away. He does this by carefully lifting the tape away from the white
pad. He uses Radio Shack Head Cleaner to clean the pad. I would
recommend that you not get cleaner on the tape itself and allow the pad
to dry before using the tape.
Owen McNulty sends in the
following about
the 2010: Text Game. The game that was saved on his data pack is
actually in the last stages of the game. All one has to do is press the
"use equipment" key, press the key to start the generator, press
the "use equipment" key again, then press the key to activate the
engines. A congratulatory message then comes on the screen followed by
the colorful launch of the Discovery and picture of I0, and finally
some nice music. Remember to be sure and load the data pack in drive 1.
For some reason when the pack is in drive 2 and one tries to retrieve
the saved game a chorus of "Here we go into the wild blue yonder" is
heard and then the game is ended by a return to the electronic
typewriter mode.
Ann Pratt is seeking help with
Asphai game.
She wants to know how to use wand and cross and other level 6, 7, 8
spells and weapons. HELP! Return to Top
Bulletin Board
WANTED: Tim Ferdinand, 917
Conkling St., Baltimore, MD 21224, is looking for an ADAM Technical
Manual and books on the ADAM.
with all instructions, price includes postage: SmartLetters &
Forms, Electronic Flashcard Maker, and SmartBASIC Bonanza - $15 each.
Flashfacts: Flashbacks, Vocabulater, and Trivia - $7 each. Bounty
Hunter - $10. Cartridges: Omega Race, Pepper II and Zaxxon - $5 each.
Book: The programming Guide to the Z80 Chip - $7. Contact Kyle Alons,
RR 1, Box 17, Boyden, IA 51234.
WANTED: Tournament Tennis
- Contact: Joseph E. Peppers, 4109 - 1st St., Des Moines, IA 50313.
system (1 yr old), dual data drives, dual disk drives and more (too
numerous to list) - contact: Tom Lewis, 2216 No. College Ave., Bethany,
OK 73008. Include SASE for fast service.
WANTED: Spy Hunter
cartridge. Will
buy or trade all of the following (Dragon's Lair, Family Feud, 2010,
Tapper, Tarzan) for one Spy Hunter. Contact - Randall V. Adams, 4757 #B
Sunny Palm Crl., West Palm Beach, FL 33415, ph. after 6:30 pm EST -
305/ 689-1085.
FOR SALE: Nintendo Game
includes 4 carts (Excitebike, Gyromite, Duck Hunt, Hogan's Alley). Also
includes robot, light gun and all accessories. Excellent condition -
$180 or best offer. Dragon's Lair DDP - $10; CARTS: $10 - Beamrider,
Destructor, Oil's Well, River Raid, Dr. Seuss. Contact Lee Smith,
Box 159, Terre Hill, PA 17581.
WANTED: Expansion module #1
Atari cartridges. Contact T. G. Gray, 2236 Epworth Street, Victoria,
BC, Canada VSR 5L1.
FOR SALE: Original
cartridges, data
packs and disks for Colecovision or ADAM. Like NEW, in the box with
instructions. Send SASE for list and prices to Stanley M. Siembor, 378
Sunningdale Drive, Inster, MI 48141.
WANTED: New or used disk
drive for
the ADAM. Also baseball and other sports games in Basic. Contact: Hugh
Farmer, 10204 S. Dinah Cir., Covington, GA 30209, ph. 404/786-9238.
FOR SALE: Unopened Super
Football for $11.75. Send check or money order to Scott Gordon, 12503
Kingslake Dr., Reston, VA 22091.
FOR SALE: I have the
public domain programs for sale for ADAM: ADAMex
(telecommunications), BASIC games (dbl sided disk), More BASIC #1,
More BASIC #2, Logo Programs, CP/M Programs/Utilities. $5 per
disk, $10 per ddp (2 or more ddp's $7.50 each). Check or Money Order in
US funds to Joe Blenkle, P.O. Box 41746, Sacramento, CA 95841. Drop me
a line and I'll send you a list; more program disks/ddps are in the
works. Return to Top
User Group News
The list of users' groups continues to grow. If
there isn't one in your area to join - start one!
#1 Adam User's Group
P.O. Box 3761 - Attn: Jay Forman
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
P.O. Box P
Lynbrook, NY
James E. Gilbert
4608 Lakeview Dr.
Huntsville, AL 35810
Victor L. Watford
P.O. Box 777
Russellville, AL 35653
Richard Bains
7210 Bulen Drive
Anchorage, AK 99507
Danny Levitt
4525 S. White Pine
Tucson, AZ 85730
ph. 602/790-9678
Robert R. Marentes
9425 N. 38th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85021
So. California ADAM Users
8580 Buggy Whip Rd.
Alta Loma, CA 91701
ph. 714/989-1394
Frank Fleich
13381-19 Magnolia Ave.
Corona, CA 91719
Central Calif. Adam User's Group
James Turner, Jr.
20110 Ave. 19
Madera, CA 93637
ph. 299/ 661-8290
San Diego Adam Users Group
Dr. Harold Alexander
37 Catspaw Cape
Coronado, CA 92118
ph. 619/429-1844
AUG of San Diego County
868 N. 2nd St. #242
El Cajon, CA 92021
ph. 619/445-2400
Bay Region ADAM Information Network
550 27th St. #202
San Francisco, CA 94131
ph. 415/282-3056
Inland Empire Users Group
6644 Seine Ave.
Highland, CA 92346
ph. 714/862-5807
Denver ADAM User's Group
1416 Lipan St.
Denver, CO 80204
ADAM Users Group #305
John F. Busby, II
6634 SW 41st St.
Davie, FL 33314
Playground Area ADAM User's Group
Howard Pines
812 Pinedale Rd.
Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548
Robert J. Niemeyer
292 Boca Ciega Point Blvd. N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33708
ADAM User's Group
Michael G. Graham
217 Albert St.
Winter Springs, FL 32709
ph. 305/327-1387
ADAM Support Group
John Moore
1870 Fisher Tr. NE
Atlanta, GA 30345
Hawaii AUG
Harlan Fletcher
2335C Apollo Ave.
Honolulu, HI 96818
ph. 808/422-4019
Donald R. Lager
5415 N. 2nd St.
Rockford, IL 61111
ph. 815/877-7786
Kansas Adam Users Group
David E. Carmichael
1325 N. Meridian, Apt. 201
Wichita, KS 67203
KC Users Group
Joe Reardon
1513 Tauromee
Kansas City, KS 66102
Greater Cincinatti Adam Users Group
c/o Keith Bowman
P.O. Box 434
Alexandria, KY 41001
ADAM Network
P.O. Box 85
East Detroit, MI 48021
Bill & Nancy Rahn
12426-15th St. S.
Afton, MN 55001
ph. 612/436-6577
Downtown Minneapolis AUG
Thomas C. Gilmore
1424 West 33rd St.
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Outsider's Users Group
Donald Viltiard
P.O. Box 771
Starkville, MS 39759
Omaha ADAM Users Club
Norman Castro
809 West 33rd Ave.
Bellevue, NE 68005
ph. 402/291-4405
Al Roginski
4327 Thorndale Pl.
Las Vegas, NV 89103
Metro Adam User's Group
Russell Williams
414 W. 149th St.
New York, NY 10031
ph. 212/208-0645 - (9am-5pm M-F)
Genesee Valley Adam Users
Donald K. Zimmermah
5132 Jordon Road
Silver Springs, NY 14550
ADAM-X-Change (New York & Canada)
Wade Rowley
12863 Washburn
Wolcott, NY 14590
Tri-Angle Adam Users
Gary E. Hill
L-5 Oak Grove
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
ph 919/968-0299
Mutual ADAM Users Group
Matt Esterak
412 Bettie Street
Akron, OH 44306
Lake Erie Adam Users
Jonathan Fligner
2110 W. 36th Street
Lorain, OH 44503
ph. 216/282-8467
between 4:30pm & 8pm EST
Oregon Adam Users
Craig Frerichs
1928 W. Burnside #309
Portland, OR 97209
The (717) Adam
Steve Chamberlain
120 E. 4th ST.
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Midsouth ADAM Users
Roger Burford, Lot 142 NAS MHP
Millington, TN 38053
ph. 901/872-7960
Adam Users of El Paso
Dick Lewin
6308 Falling Star
El Paso, TX 79912
Houston AAUG
c/o Thomas Rutan
1805 14th Ave. N
Texas City, TX 77590
Norfolk ADAM Group
Gerald M. Steen
1000 Rockbridge Ave. #144
Norfolk, VA 23508
ADAM Users Group of Central Virginia
Thomas J. Kelly
3B, Rt. 664
Earlysville, VA 22936
ADAM Washington D.C. Users Group
Jim Tyson
1811 St. Roman Dr.
Vienna, VA 22180
Puget Sound Adam Network
Valorie Zimmerman
22607 SE 322nd
Kent, WA 98042
ph. 206/886-1167
or Barbara Duncan
ph. 206/938-5276 evenings
Dave Sandahl
USNH, Box 2844
FPO Seattle, WA 98778
Robert Dunstan
95 Harland Crescent
Ajax, Ontario L1S 1K2
CompuServe ID#75026,3435
Derek Townsend
Box 820
Claresholm, Alberta T0L 0T0
J.A. Girard
1420 Ave. Langevin Sud
Alma, Quebec G8B 6B1
Mike Laurier
7350 Roi Rene
Anjou, Quebec H1K 3G6
Mr. G. Hibbert
P.O. Box 10
Mistatim, Saskatchewan S0E 1B0
First Canadian Adam User's Group
P.O. Box 547 Victoria Station
Westmount, Quebec H3Z 2Y6
Winnipeg Adam Users Group
David Fordyce
729 Government Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2K 1X5
Metro-Toronto Adam Group
P.O. Box 123
260 Adelaide St. East
Toronto, Ontario M5A 1N0
The Bendigo Colecovision Club
W.R. Oldacres-Dear
C1-2 Fenton St.
Bendigo, VIC 3550, Australia
ADAM Owner's & User's Group
Frank Ellis
4 Norman Street
Deakin, ACT 2600, Australia
Return to Top
by Joe Blenkle
wishing to add their name to the high score list should send the game,
score, and level to Joe Blenkle, P.O. Box 41746, Sacramento, CA 95841.
Due to space limitations, all games may not be listed in every issue of
ECN. For a complete list send a SASE to the above address.
Scores |
Beamrider |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
47,684 |
Buck Rogers |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
86,456 |
Burgertime |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
196,950 |
Carnival |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
137,500 |
Congo Bongo |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
53,140 |
Cosmic Avenger |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
123,870 |
Donkey Kong Jr. |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
540,400 |
Dr. Seuss |
Jeff Platt |
5 |
156,250 |
Fraction Fever |
Jeff Platt |
- |
340 |
Frenzy |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
200,690 |
Galaxian |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
28,660 |
Grog's Revenge (c) |
Jeff Platt |
- |
9,660 |
Grog's Revenge (t) |
Jeff Platt |
2 |
9,480 |
Jukebox. |
Jeff Platt |
- |
19 |
Lady Bug |
Jeff Platt |
4 |
2,324,920 |
Monkey Academy |
Jeff Platt |
4 |
167,560 |
Mr. Do |
Jeff Platt |
4 |
1,267,640 |
Pepper II |
Alice Platt |
1 |
9,427,140 |
Sammy Lightfoot |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
110,710 |
Sewer Sam |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
30,807 |
Smurf Rescue |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
1,067,700 |
Space Panic |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
112,840 |
Spectron |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
8,360 |
Super Cobra |
Jeff Platt |
- |
57,890 |
Threshold |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
277,400 |
Tomarc |
Jeff Platt |
- |
32,650 |
Turbo |
Jeff Platt |
1 |
220,470 |
2010: Text |
Jeff Platt |
- |
12 |
Victory |
Jeff Platt |
4 |
2,155,600 |
Zaxxon |
Jeff Platt |
4 |
171,800 |
High Scores as of July/Aug. 1986
Issue |
Return to
Review: Amstrad WPC8256 Computer
by D. Sage
Product: Computer system
Manufacturer: Amstrad
Warranty: 1 year
Price: suggested retail $799
As I indicated earlier, I will try to be
objective in discussing this product. Nevertheless, you should
read this review with the understanding that I am not a disinterested
party, since I am selling this product. I will say that I would not
consider selling the product unless I felt that it was a quality
Amstrad describes the WPC8256 as "a complete
word processor for a completely unbelievable price." Essentially it is
a 256K RAM, Z80 computer, with one disk drive, a monochrome green
monitor (with a 90 by 32 character display), a letter quality
dot-matrix printer, and software. The software includes Locascript
(word processing software), DR LOGO, CPM Plus, and Mallard Locomotive
The disk drive uses three inch disks (the same
as the CPC6128). For all practical purposes this system is fully
compatible with the earlier Amstrad computers. The advertising stresses
the word processing function of this system and the keyboard includes a
number of special keys that work with Locascript. The fact that this is
a full-fledged computer is played down in the advertising. I really
don't understand this since the system comes with both LOGO and Basic.
Even though these languages are included, the manual only includes
sparse references to Basic and its presentation of LOGO is relatively
brief. A separate Basic manual is available. I would guess that it is
similar to the one that accompanies the 6128 since the languages appear
to be the same.
The word processor is easy to start using, but
includes a wide range of features. The various features can be
implemented by selecting options from "pull-down menus" or entered by
keyboard command. The printer is excellent and has a variety of
features that can be selected. In draft mode it prints at 90 cps, but
prints at 20 cps in letter quality.
The monitor produces crisp letters and the
color is quite pleasing. Persons who do a lot of writing will
appreciate the 90 X 32 display. Set up is easy. From box to running
Locascript took less than 15 minutes. The instructions are clear and
include a small manual for first time use. The larger manual is easy to
read and includes a number of examples. The greatest shortcoming is the
sparse discussion of CPM Plus, Basic and LOGO. Additional manuals or
books would be required to explore these more fully.
A detailed Basic reference manual is available
along with printer interfaces (if you wish to use a different printer),
and Supercalc II (an electronic spreadsheet). Additional software
will be available in the future. Borland International has already
indicated that many of its products (i.e. Turbo Pascal, etc.) are being
made available for this system in Europe and I anticipate they will be
available in the U.S. shortly.
As you probably can tell, I like this system.
In reality it is a souped up version of the 6128. I don't like the
absence of the Basic manual and really think Amstrad should have
included it. Especially since this is one of the most powerful versions
of Basic available on a home computer. Nevertheless, this is a good
system. If you are a writer or a student, you really ought to look it
over. Return to Top
Review: Electronic
Game Pack
by D. Sage
Product: Basic Games
Manufacturer: APE Software, 4756 Lalande Blvd., Pierrefonds,
Quebec, Canada H8Y 1V2
Media: Disk
Warranty: 3 mo.
Price: $25.50 in U.S. funds from the Manufacturer (Review copy
supplied by the manufacturer)
I received a review copy of this software some
time ago, but could not get it to autoboot as per the instructions.
Rather than send it back, I took some time and did a little hacking to
find out what was wrong. After a little work, I was able to get the
program up and running. Apparently the autoboot copy of Basic was
defective. The software also has a number of copy protection features
which are designed to keep you from listing the programs and files. It
does include a feature that allows you to make two backup copies for
regular use.
Included on the disk are Backgammon,
Battleship, Master Mind, 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe, and Miners. The latter game
pits your robot against a computer controlled robot on an
eight-by-eight grid. The goal is to collect various deposits of ore.
Once a site is visited by one robot it cannot be revisited again by
either. This allows you to blockade your opponent or be blockaded.
The other games are the old standards as their
names indicate. Online instructions are available for all the games and
can be printed as well as viewed on the screen. The built-in backup and
online instructions (without using SmartWriter) are positive aspects.
Games can be played either with a joystick or the keyboard. Gameplay is
similar to other versions of these games that have appeared for other
computers. The games are accompanied by somewhat droning music, which I
tired of quickly and simply turned the sound off. This is the only
collection I have seen that includes Backgammon, so if you are a fan of
that game or don't have some of the others, you may want to add this
collection to your library. The only real criticism I have is the
failure of the disk to autoload. Since Ape Software has a three month
warranty, that should not present a problem. Return to
Review: Quickcopy 1.1
by Dan Grelinger
Product: Software copier
Manufacturer: G.J.M.G. Enterprises/Orphanware
Media: Disk
Warranty: 6 months
Price: $12.00 + $1.50 shipping
Rating: 9
This software copying program is written in
machine language and takes up 10K on the disk. Loading time is quick,
at less than 7 seconds.
Quickopy allows copying in two different
formats between any of the digital or disk drives. Block copy allows
the user to copy any string of blocks from one drive to any location on
the same drive or another drive. File copy allows the selective copying
of any files in the tape or disk directory (including deleted files) to
any other drive. This will copy any commercial programs that have
entries in the directory (SmartFiler, AdamCalc.etc.) to any other
drive. File copy mode will also display all file entries and attributes
in the directory, deleted or otherwise.
Perhaps the nicest feature of Quickopy is the
large memory buffer used. The program uses a 40K buffer to copy
programs. If a 64K memory buffer is installed, a 104K buffer is used.
With a 104K buffer, a full data pack can be copied in two extra tape
swaps, or a disk in one extra swap. Copying occurs rather rapidly. A
block copy of all blocks (160) from one disk to another takes less than
2 and 1/2 minutes with two drives and the 64K expander. To copy 256
blocks between data packs takes less than 14 minutes with two drives.
If using one drive the copy takes only slightly longer.
Overall, this is a very nice program with many
nice features, all contributing to a professional product. In
experimenting with Quickopy, I only noticed one small problem. When
copying data base files created by Address Book Filer using the file
copy mode, the whole file was not copied. It appears that Quickopy only
copies the blocks in a file that are shown, in the directory, as being
used. Whereas, this is nice when backing up basic or SmartWriter files,
it doesn't work with data-base files. This is easily circumvented by
using block copy mode.
If you need to back up your software purchases,
this product works very well, and the price is nice too! Return
to Top
Product Review: Entertainment Pack 1
by D. Sage
Product: Game software
Manufacturer: Reedy Software, 10085 60th Street, SE, Alto, MI
Media: Disk/Data Pack
Warranty: 90 days
Price: $21.95 data pack/$19.95 disk (review copy supplied by
This package of software contains three very
well executed games: Connect 4, Blockade (like breakout), and slide
puzzle. The software is auto-loading and menu driven. Each of the games
loads quite quickly from disk. All games use graphics and sound to
their advantage which makes them relatively enjoyable.
Connect 4 or Join 4 is the old standard game
that is played by slipping rings over pegs. The object is to keep your
opponent from lining up four rings while you try to get yours lined up.
In a sense it is an elaborate version of tic-tac-toe. You can play the
computer or someone else.
Blockade is played pretty much like breakout
and uses the joystick to maneuver your paddle.
Slide Puzzle is like the old hand held
non-electronic games where you tried to move numbers or letters
until they were in the correct order. Of course, you can only move one
square at a time, so you have to use some strategy in order to get the
right pieces to the right places. This game is played with the joystick
and is quite enjoyable.
After trying this out, I found my favorites to
be Connect 4 and Slide Puzzle. The execution of these two games is
excellent. While the game concepts are those of some old standbys,
Reedy Software has taken them and created two very well executed
computer translations. If you like playing these kinds of games, give
them a try. The software is available directly from the manufacturer. Return to Top
Product Review: Strategy
Strain I
by Gary Woodruff
Product: Game collection
Manufacturer: Data Doctor
Media: Datapack
Price: $24.95
Rating: 8
This is a collection of nine computer games
selected as their creator claims for their "intellectual
challenge." I think that's as good a description as I can come up with.
The games are as follows:
1. FIXXATOR, a reading improvement game
2. KLINGON CHALLENGE, a Star Trek game
4. SCRAMBLER, a scramble game
5. TOWERS OF HANOI, the ancient game updated
6. U-GUESS, three number guessing games - High/Low, Number Series,
& What?!?
This is a well put together package of games.
It not only has several quality games, that are fast loading. You use
the arrow keys to pick the game to run and then use the Smart Keys as
directed to implement the program. The screens and games are colorful
and very well detailed. They have made good use of error trapping and
other user friendly features to make this a very easy program to use.
The games are all well done, but Lunar Module,
Klingon Challenge, and Towers of Hanoi are especially well done.
The Klingon Challenge uses the Smart Keys and number inputs to make it
faster and easier than some of the older versions. These programs have
a money back promise, come on name brand media, and have a hacker's
challenge to break their list protections and use their techniques
in your programs. This package comes across well and is worth the
Return to Top
Programs, Programs
by Jim Guenzel
Here are two programs that you may find useful.
The first ADRSLBPTR is a program to print address labels, but with a
difference. This program prints the same address over and over. This is
useful if you have to mail to the same address over and over. It is set
up to print on standard ADDRESS LABELS for TYPEWRITERS. These are 8 1/2
x 11 sheets with 33 2 5/8 X 1 inch labels per sheet.
The second program, FORECASTER, is a sales
forecasting tool. Just enter the last 12 sales amounts for
whatever period and it predicts the next amount.
5 REM :ADDRESS LABEL PRINTER AJ GUENZEL / SEPT 1984 10 HOME: CLEAR: DIM nl(35), a$(6): q=1 20 PRINT "NAME:": INPUT a$(q) 25 GOSUB 600 40 PRINT: PRINT "STREET NUMBER AND NAME:": INPUT a$(2) 45 GOSUB 600 60 PRINT: PRINT "APARTMENT OR SUITE IF NONE: ": INPUT a$(3) 62 IF a$(3) <> "" THEN a$(3) = "NUMBER: "+a$(3): sp = 1 65 GOSUB 600 80 PRINT: PRINT "CITY": INPUT a$(4) 85 GOSUB 600 100 PRINT: PRINT "STATE": INPUT a$(5) 105 GOSUB 600 120 PRINT: PRINT "ZIP CODE": INPUT a$(6) 125 GOSUB 600 140 a$(4) =a$(4)+", "+a$(5) 142 q = 4: GOSUB 600 145 a$(5) = "" 150 HOME: FOR q = 1 TO 6 160 IF a$(q) = "" THEN NEXT q 170 PRINT a$(q): NEXT q 180 PRINT: PRINT "IS THIS CORRECT 'Y' or 'N'?": GET key$ 182 IF key$ = "Y" OR key$ = "y" OR key$ = "N" OR key$ = "n" THEN 185 183 PRINT CHR$(7)+CHR$(7): GOTO 180 185 IF key$ = "n" OR key$ ="N" THEN 10 200 PRINT: INPUT "HOW MANY LABELS SHOULD I PRINT (MULTIPLES OF 3, MAX 33)"; nl 210 INVERSE: PRINT " CHECK LABELS IN PRINTER!! ": NORMAL 220 PRINT: PRINT "PRESS TO PRINT OR TO END": GET key$ 225 IF key$ = CHR$(27) THEN HOME: PRINT "PROGRAM STOPPED": END 230 IF key$ = CHR$(149) OR key$ = CHR$(157) THEN 240 235 PRINT CHR$(7)+CHR$(7): GOTO 210 240 GOSUB 300 242 HOME 245 PRINT "TO PRINT MORE OF THE SAME LABEL PRESS , TO END PRESS ": GET key$ 250 IF key$ = CHR$(27) THEN HOME: END 255 IF key$ = CHR$(149) OR key$ = CHR$(157) THEN 200 260 PRINT CHR$(7)+CHR$(7): GOTO 245 299 STOP 300 REM *PRINT SUB ROUT* 305 PRINT: PR #1 320 FOR i = 0 TO nl STEP 3 340 FOR q = 1 TO 6 350 IF a$(q) = "" THEN NEXT q 360 PRINT TAB(1); a$(q); :PRINT TAB(29); a$(q); : PRINT TAB(25); a$(q) 380 NEXT q 400 IF sp = 0 THEN PRINT: PRINT 410 IF sp = 1 THEN PRINT 420 NEXT i 430 PR #0 450 RETURN 600 REM * check for too long entry * 620 IF LEN(a$(q)) < 26 THEN q = q+1: GOTO 640 625 PRINT a$(q)+" LONGER THAN 25 SPACES!" 627 IF q = 4 THEN 80 630 INPUT "REENTER "; a$(q): GOTO 600 640 RETURN
200 REM *next period predictor 202 HOME 205 PRINT "FORCASTER PROGRAM WILL HELP IN PROJECTING THE SALES FOR THE" 207 PRINT "NEXT PERIOD BASED ON A FORMULA THAT FINDS THE BEST LINE FOR" 210 PRINT "TWO OR MORE POINTS." 212 PRINT: PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY TO START": \\get key$ 215 HOME: CLEAR 217 PRINT "ENTER SALES AMOUNTS FOR UP TO THE LAST 12 PERIODS STARTING WITH THE OLDEST." 219 PRINT "IF LESS THAN 12 PERIODS THEN ENTER '0' WHEN DONE:" 270 DIM b(25), g$(50), m(25), P$(12), p(l2), x(25), y(25) 275 DIM q(25) 280 REM *init* 315 FOR i = 2 TO 12 320 READ p$(i) 325 NEXT i 330 DATA 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,A 340 n = 1: nn = 12 345 i = n 347 x(i) = i 350 PRINT nn; 355 INPUT ". AMOUNT="; y(i) 360 IF n = 12 THEN 375 362 IF y(i) = 0 THEN n = n-1: GOTO 375 365 n = n + 1: nn = nn-1 372 GOTO 345 375 x(n+1) = n+1 385 REM *BEST FIT* 390 FOR f = n TO 2 STEP -1 395 s1 = 0 400 s2 = 0 405 FOR i = (n-f+1) TO n 410 s1 = s1+x(i) 415 s2 = s2+y(i) 420 NEXT i 430 x = s1/f 435 y = s2/f 445 s3 = 0 450 s4 = 0 455 FOR i = (n-f+1) TO n 460 s3 = s3+(y(i)-y)*(x(i)-x) 465 s4 = s4+(x(i)-x)*(x(i)-x) 470 NEXT i 480 m(f) = s3/s4 485 b(f) = y-m(f)*x 490 p(f) = m(f)*x(n+1)+b(f) 495 NEXT f 500 PRINT: REM *PLOT THE GRAPH* 501 HOME 505 PRINT "FOR A COPY PRESS THE PRINT KEY" 506 PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY FOR NO COPY": GET key$ 507 HOME 508 IF key$ = CHR$(149) OR key$ = CHR$(157) THEN pf = 1: PR #1 518 f9 = n 520 PRINT "WITH A BASIS OF "; f9; " PERIODS, THE BEST FIT IS Y ="; m(f9) 525 PRINT "X+"; b(f9) 530 PRINT 568 PRINT " "; 570 PRINT "0 20 40 60 80 100%" 578 PRINT " "; 580 PRINT "+---+----+----+----+----+Y" 600 REM *X\Y PLOT* 610 y8 = y(l): y9 = y(1) 620 FOR i8 = 2 TO n 630 IF y(i8) < y8 THEN y8 = y(i8) 640 IF y(i8) > y9 THEN y9 = y(i8) 650 NEXT i8 660 d8 = y9-y8 670 IF d8 = 0 THEN d8 = 1 680 FOR i8 = 1 TO n 690 k8 = INT(l+(y(i8)-y8)/d8*25+.5) 700 PRINT x(i8); TAB(4+k8); "* "; y(i8) 710 NEXT i8 715 IF pf = 1 THEN 725 720 PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY TO SEE FORCAST": GET key$ 725 PRINT 760 REM *table of forcasts* 765 PRINT "PERIODS FORCAST CHARACTER" 770 FOR f = 12 TO 2 STEP -1 775 PRINT f; TAB(10); INT(p(f)+.5); TAB(23); p$(f) 780 NEXT f 800 PR #0: pf = 0 810 PRINT "TO RUN AGAIN PRESS CLEAR KEY"; : GET key$ 820 IF key$ = CHR$(158) OR key$ = CHR$(150) THEN 215 830 TEXT: END
Return to Top

(avail. August) - FLIPPY DATAPACKS. Use both
sides. 128K storage on each side. Put different self-loading programs,
data files and more on each side. $4.50 each or 5 for $19.95. Starter
kit: backup & init software + 2 blank flippys. $19.95.
BASIC MANAGER - Make Basic user friendly with these
enhanced utilities. Special binary file loads fast. Super display shows
current drive, free space, volume name, and all Basic filenames on 1
screen (read from directory). Use arrow keys to select and Smartkeys to
rename files or volume name, delete or UNDELETE files, lock or unlock
files, catalog (ALL filenames on 1 screen showing start block, unused
space or file size), recover files, run or load programs, reboot drive,
goto Basic or Word Proc., reselect drive, and change display colors.
Safely and correctly initialize SmartBASIC, DISK MANAGER, ADAMCALC,
ADAMLINK or regular DPs and disks. Make multiple utility changes with
only 1 drive access. Internal help screens. Disk or DP US$ 15.95.
FASTRUN - Unique utility program. Stays in memory after
loading for quick use. Convert ANY Basic program in memory to load (or
run) up to 11 times faster (ex. 24 blocks loads in 32 sec on DP. 10 sec
on disk). Automatically saves current screen colors with program. |
Includes proqram to
change screen colors. A must for all SmartBASIC users. Easy to use.
Disk or DP US$ 15.95
BASIC MANAGER & FASTRUN - Save $5.95. Disk or DP US$
MULTICART BACKUP - Backup most ColecoVision compatible
game cartridges. Up to 8 on DP or 5 on disk. Special binary file loads
fast from Basic and makes 100% machine language, self loading, backups.
Loads game title directory. Loads in a flash. Printout game directory.
Easy to use. Disk or DP US$ 10.95
ADAM Network CABLES - 25 or 12 foot straight cable from
keyboard or disk drive to memory console. 12'=US$ 6.95, 25'=US$ 10.95
Min.: $10. To pay in Canadian dollars add $2 to US$ total then multiply
by 1.4. COD (US addr. only) add $1.50. Mail CK/MO/COD, or write for
free info.
P.O. BOX 244
Return to Top
The North American Amstrad User Support Group
(NAAUSG) has been established to provide support to owners of Amstrad
computers on this continent. The NAAUSG will provide a variety of
services to its members which will include discounts on various
products, news and reviews of software and hardware, a public domain
software library, assistance in the establishment of local user groups,
and other services. Interested persons should send a self-addressed,
stamped envelope to NAAUSG c/o Sage Enterprises, Rt. 2, Box 211,
Russellville, MO 65074, for more information.
The following products are now available from
Sage Enterprises:
The Amstrad PCW8256 complete word
processor and computer for the low introductory price of $659.95 plus
$15 shipping/handling (continental U.S. only). Price includes a free
one year membership in NAAUSG.
CF2 diskettes - (twin pack) $14.95 plus
$2 shipping/handling.
PCW8256 Printer Ribbon - $11.95 plus
$2.50 shipping/handling.
Super Calc II spreadsheet software for
the PCW8256 or the CPC6128 - $89.95 plus $2.50 shipping/handling.
of these products can now be ordered from Sage Enterprises, Send a
check/money order for the correct amount to Sage Enterprises, Rt, 2,
Box 211, Russellville, MO 65074, Allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery,
Personal checks must clear before orders will be shipped, We plan on
offering Mastercard & Visa service by mail or phone soon, Call us
at 314/782-3448 for availability of charge service, There will be a 4
1/2 percent surcharge on all charge card orders.
NOTE: This ad was written and printed on an
Amstrad PCW8256, See following page for more details on this remarkable
system. |
Return to Top
self-contained word processing system including monitor, disk drive,
keyboard, printer and custom software.
High-resolution screen. Green phosphor characters against a black
background. Live display area: 90 columns x 32 lines of text.
Integral "flip over" 3-inch disk offering 180K bytes of formatted
storage space per side. One blank disk is included.
correspondence quality perfor- ance at 20 characters per second (cps)
and drafte quality at 90 cps. Features 53 built in typestyles,
including italics, boldface, underline, superscript, subscript, plus a
choice of pitch settings. Aligns single sheets of paper automatically;
also has a tractor feed for continuous forms. Printer has its own
custom microprocessor..
82 keys, including several special function keys for LocaScript, the
word processing software included with the system. The keyboard is
controlled by its own built-in microprocessor. Alternate character sets
provide scientific notation and foreign language capabilities.
Controlled by Z80A Central Processing Unit (CPU) with 256K bytes of
Random Access Memory (RAM). Provides sufficient internal memory to
store up to 140 pages of text.
CP/M Plus System with GSX graphics enhancement.
"AMSTRAD Start-up Guide" and a comprehensive reference manual.
* Mallard BASIC reference manual
* RS/232 Serial and Centronics Parallel Interface
*Supercalc II - electronic spreadsheet program
AMSTRAD - This system is more than a word
processor. It is a full function Z80 computer running CP/M Plus and
includes the LOGO and BASIC languages.
This system is a bargain at the regular
list price of $799, but is an even better buy at $659.95 from Sage
Enterprises, RT. 2 Box 211, Russellville, MO 65704
Return to Top
In addition to our
other products we carry a growing portion of the CP/M Public Domain
library in the ADAM CP/M format. While we have tested much of this
software, we cannot guarantee that it is all bug free. However, most of
this software has been around for some time and has gone through a
number of revisions to eliminate any bugs that have appeared.
All prices are given
in U.S. funds. Canadian orders should be in U.S. funds or equivalent.
Orders to other foreign countries add $2 for each disk and $3 for each
data pack to cover overseas shipping.
original public domain game. Disk recommended. Disk $5, DDP $7.
version of Tiny Basic. Includes Star Trek. Disk $5, DDP $7.
implementation of the PILOT language. Disk $5, DDP $7.
CPM 4 - POW2-text formatter.
Disk $5, DDP $7.
CPM 5 - EBASIC package (5 disks or DDP's). Includes HELP files, EBASIC
compilers, source code and OTHELLO game. Disk $25, DDP $35.
- requires CPM 5 above. Disk $5, DDP $7.
CPM 7 - EBASIC GAMES - requires CPM 5 above. Disk $5, DDP $7.
- requires CPM 5 above. Disk $5, DDP $7.
- requires CPM 5 above. Disk $5, DDP $7.
CPM 10 - MADAM7 -
Modem7 for the ADAM and other utilities. Disk $5, DDP $7.
& DISASSEMBLERS (2 disks or DDP's) Disk $10, DDP $11.
Copyright 1986 Sage
Enterprises - All Rights Reserved
menu driven set of utilities that will allow you to read and edit
directory information for SmartWriter and Smartbasic files, delete and
remove entries that will free up wasted directory space, fix corrupted
directories, change file names and their characteristics and more;
format disks; edit and dump blocks on disk or data pack; compare two
copies of media to insure that they are identical; move blocks from one
location to another on a disk or data pack; and RECOVER files and
programs from a disk or data pack even if it has been INITed in
These utilities are
especially useful to anyone involved in the development of software for
the ADAM. U.S. and Canadian
price - $36.95 US funds. Foreign price - $40.95.
PL 1 - Checkbook
balancer, mailing list (prints labels), graphics and sound demos,
picture drawing, grade calculations, envelope addresser.
PL 2 - Screen and
text color changer, note player, sprite demo, filing system, games,
statistics, grade point average, timer, and graphics demos.
PL 3 - Serpent,
battleship, joinfour, checkers games; sprite editor, graphics,
educational programs, tic tac toe, menu program, and an event scheduler.
PL 4 - Dungeons and
Dragons game (elaborate), EVIL3 game, football game forcaster and 8
Ball fortune teller. A disk drive is required for D & D game.
PL 1, PL 2. and PL 3 are available on either disk or data pack for
$9.95 each to U.S. and Canadian customers. Foreign customers add $2 per
disk or $3 per data pack. PL 4 is available for $5.00 on disk and $7.00
on data pack to U.S. and Canadian customers. Foreign customers add $2
per disk or $3 per data pack. Send U.S. funds or Canadian equivalent
Copyright 1985 Sage
Enterprises All Rights Reserved
CONVERT allows you to
copy non-ADAM CP/M disks to ADAM CP/M format, giving you access to data
and programs that may not be available in ADAM CP/M format.
CONVERT accesses:
Zenith 100 CPM-85 SSDD Format Disks IBM PC CPH-86 SSDD Format Disks
TRS80 CPM+ SSDD Format Disks. System Requirements:
ADAM with at least one digital data drive and one ADAM disk drive, plus
ADAM CP/M 2.2 and SmartBASIC. CONVERT reads the
three disk formats listed above and converts them to the ADAM format.
In order for a CP/M program to run on the ADAM, it must be CP/M 80
version 2.2 compatible and must allow for configuration to the ADAM
system. CP/M 80 version 2.2 software is available on the three disk
formats listed above. To avoid confusion we generally recommend that
such software be obtained on the Zenith format. Always make sure that
the software you obtain to use on your ADAM is CP/M 80 version 2.2 or
it will not run on your ADAM. Some examples of software that have been
CONVERTed are Microsoft Basic, Turbo Pascal, ASCOM, and WordStar. If
you are considering buying CONVERT make sure you have a good
understanding of the CP/M operating system. If you only have a need to
CONVERT a few programs to ADAM format you may want to consider our
software conversion service listed elsewhere in this catalog. U.S.
and Canadian price - $36.95 US funds. Foreign price - $40.95 US funds.
All of the products
on this page may be ordered from:
Sage Enterprises
Rt. 2, Box 211, Scrivner Rd.
Russellville, MO 65704
Return to Top

SPEECH SYNTHESIZER...................109.95
EXTRA DIGITAL DATA DRIVE.............29.00
TRACTOR FEED ASSEMBLY..............75.00
ADAMLInk Modem................................75.00
DAISY WHEELS - Pica 10. Courier 10.
Emphasis, Courier 72
.............Each 5.50
DUST COVER FOR ADAM ..................18.50
(Vinyl brown 3 piece - CPU. KY8D. PRT)
5/25.00 10/39.00
MAXELL 5 1/4 SS/DD DISKS (10)....15.00
MEMOREX 5 1/4 SS/DD DISKS w/case...15.00
NASHUA 5 1/4 SS/DD DISKS (10)...........12.00
ADAM MONITOR CABLE ..................... 9.50
COMPUSERVE STARTER KIT................21.00
MEDIA MATE MM5 holds up
to 50 5 1/4 Disks.....................................11.00
GUST BUSTER (DP)..............................15.00
ROLLOVERTURE (DP).......................... 15.00
CAMPAIGN (DP)....................................15.00
MOUNTAIN KING (DP)...........................15.00
NUMBER BUMPER (DP.........................15.00
FattFILER (DP) ....................................22.00
A complele file management system Perfect lor mail list, inventory
control, etc
PowerPRINT (DP)...................................22.00
A complete printing enhancement system (or SrnartWRITER documents.
Includes: Headers, looters, single page print selection, auto page,
line spacing, justifications, etc
PaintMASTER (DP)................................22.00
A unique high-resolution drawing and painting system lor the ADAM.
Variable brush sizes, fore-ground and background colors, ICON driven
command functions. LOAD & SAVE graphics.
The only 64
COLUMN professional word processing system for the
ADAM that does not
require any additional hardware MultiWRITE displays a full 64
characters ol text at one time without the need to purchase an
expensive 80 column board
TurboLOAD (DP)...............................27.00
No longer will you have to wait several minutes while your ADAM loads
your favorite program Into memory. With TurboLOAD. your programs will
load as much as ten times faster! Also comes with File Organizer which
will allow you to load. run. rename, lock, unlock, and catalog any
program files that are contained on any dale pack or disk.
DataCALC (DP) spioadsheet program........22.00
SlgnSHOP (DP).........................................22.00
SignSHOP will allow you to custom design and print signs, notices,
fliers, posters, announcements, invitations, greeting cards,
letteiheads and oversized banners. SignSHOP offers variable positioning
commands, 2 type styles, 7 different banner sizes and 2 print qualities
using standard ADAM printer.
This program will make backup copies of ADAM software Makes backup
copies ol SmartFILER. SmartBASIC, SmartLOGO, SUPER GAMES, etc
Disk or Data Pack..................29.00
This program allows you to copy non-ADAM CP/M disks to ADAM format,
giving access to data & programs that may not be available in ADAM
CP/M format. Works with Disk Drive, CP/M 2.2 & SmartBASIC.
DISK or DATA PACK................27.00
PERSONAL ACCOUNTANT by SOFTSYNC INC Double entry bookkeeping
system. Compiles financial reports, large data base. Breaks down
expenses, amortization, payment schedules.
Digital Data Pack.............................21.00
CP/M 2.2 & ASSEMBLER (DP. DISK) ....45.00
ADAMCALC (DP) Spreadsheet program. Originally $39 00
SMART LOGO (DP)......................29.00
SMART FILER (DP, DISK)............16.00
EXPERTYPE (DP. DISK)...............25.00
DONKEY KONG (DP).....................19.00
DONKEY KONG JR (DP)................19.00
DRAGON'S LAIR (DP, DISK) .........19.00
2010 STRATEGY (DP)...................19.00
SUPER ZAXXON (DP, DISK) .........19.00
AE & CHOPLIFTER........................19.00
FLASH FACTS - TRIVIA (DP)...........9.00
R SCARRY'S WORD BOOK (DP).........19.00
RECIPE FILER (DP, DISK)................16.00
WACKY WORD GAMES (DP)............17.00
FAMILY FEUD (DP)..........................19.00
COPYCART by MMSG (DP, DISK)......15.00
This program copies most Coleco compatible cartridges to either data
pack or disk
AMERICA AT WAR (DP) ................12.00
THE SOLAR SYSTEM (DP).............12.00
WORLD GEOGRAPHY (DP| ............12.00
SAKATA SC-100 13" Composite
Color Resolution.....175.00
SAKATA SG-1000 Green
or Amber Monochrome......$99.00
Thomson 12" Green with SOUND.........125.00
On Data Pack, priced at...........25.00
On Data Pack priced at............25.00
1671 EAST 16th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11229
For our complete eight page catalog send a SASE to the above address --
THANK YOU. Ordering & Terms: All orders shipped within the
continental USA add $1.50 per order shipping charges. All others add 5%
of total order (minimum $3.50) for shipping charges. NY State residents
must add sales tax. COD orders call 718-336-7612. Canadian orders must
be a postal money order in US funds. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. WE WILL

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